Thursday, March 5, 2015

Grade 1, QR Codes & Research

Online research with Grade 1 students is tricky! To learn more about landmarks in Alberta, a couple of our grade 1 classes decided to create their own website and then use iPads to link to certain pages.

The task the students had was to find out more about their chosen landmark. Once chosen they would get an iPad, connect to the internet, and then use QRafter scanner to scan the poster for their landmark. Once at the website they would write two facts about that landmark.



Once their facts are written we will then create postcards in Comic Life to print out or send home to their parents.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Math & iPad - Skitch Number Sentences

Today I finished up a project with a grade 1 class and we had a little time left at the end of the period, so we decided to do a quick task using Skitch (an amazing and must-have free app). We used Lego to create number sentences and Skitch allowed us to easily mark up the image and document our work.

Once finished, the images were saved to the camera roll then next time (we will do this again) we will share all finished and saved images via AirDrop to the teacher's iPad which can then be saved to a computer then uploaded to D2L or the AkkermanLC site

What a great and easy-to-complete task!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Green Screen Video

Green Screen is still one of the best resources (if not, THE best!) we have in our school. After a few questions relating to the green screen lately, I have updated my Green Screen tutorial. It now has a Do Ink Green Screen for iPad overview.

 As this is made in Google Slides, I will endeavor to keep it up to date and relevant. I will do this over the coming days and keep it on going. Let me know is it's missing something.

Backing up Book Creator to Google Drive

In our school we share 2 carts of iPads with 600 students. Although we do A LOT of work around digital citizenship and the respect of other people's work, we still have the occasion when work gets deleted. Book Creator app has the ability to upload it's files to Google Drive and then download them again when needed.

When students put a lot of effort into a project, the worst thing to happen is that it gets deleted. This tutorial will hopefully fix that.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

iPad Art: Adobe Ideas

Although Adobe Ideas is no longer supported by Adobe (they updated the app and re-released it as Adobe Draw) we still love this app. Using its layering feature a grade 3 class created images by tracing over a photo then deleting the photo layer afterwards. I created the images below through using this technique.


The last image was also also imported into Keynote to add the text then exported again by taking a screenshot.

iPad Art - Type Drawing

A grade three class I was just working with just completed working on a project about children's rights. As an extension of the project, we created some visuals using Type Drawing App.

Type allows you to mark-up images that were previously saved to the camera roll.

The finished project creates an image that can display text about that image. Here's is an example I created with the students.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Creating with iPad

I often get asked about ways in which iPad can be effectively used to enhance learning. I thought it fitting to create something using iPad to show what this powerful device is capable of.

Made with Explain Everything

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Green Screen Photogrpahy

I found a great post today by Jonathan Wylie on how to take green screen photos us on the amazing Green Screen By DoInk app.  

Find the post here -